Baby giraffe never stop their cute moment

Thinks about baby giraffe and tell me what do you know about them? Only long neck is not enough. They have many factoflife you should know because your kids love them so much. Here is their facts for you.

Fun information and facts about giraffe for kids

Fact #1

The giraffe is the tallest mammal on earth. New-born baby giraffes are even taller than mosthumans. And males can grow up to 5.5 meters (18 feet) tall.

Fact #2

The neck of a giraffes is too short to reach the ground. So it has to awkwardly spread its front legs or kneel to reach the ground for a drink of water.

A giraffe face

Fact #3

Like snowflakes and human fingerprints, no two giraffes have the same spot pattern.

Fact #4

Baby Giraffes can stand within half an hour of being born. After only 10 hours, they can actually run alongside their family.

A baby giraffe

Fact #5

Giraffes only need 5 to 30 minutes of sleep in a 24-hour period.

Fact #6

Giraffes only need to drink once every few days. Most of their water comes from plants they eat.

Fact #7

The idea that giraffes make no sound is untrue. When giraffes snort, bellow, hiss, etc, they make flute-like or low pitch noises beyond the range of human hearing.

Fact #8

Before mating, the female giraffe will first urinate in the male’s mouth.

Giraffe couple in love

Fact #9

Giraffes are ruminants. This means that they have more than one stomach. In fact, giraffes have four stomachs, the extra stomachs assisting with digesting food.

Fact #10

Drinking is one of the most dangerous times for a giraffe. While it is getting a drink it cannot keep a look out for predators and is vulnerable to attack.

Fact #11

Male giraffes sometimes fight with their necks over female giraffes. This is called “necking”. The two giraffes stand side by side and one giraffe swings his head and neck, hitting his head against the other giraffe. Sometimes one giraffe is hit to the ground during a combat.

Fact #12

A giraffe’s habitat is usually found in African savannas, grasslands or open woodlands.

Fact #13

The hair that makes up a giraffes tail is about 10 times thicker than the average strand of human hair.

Fact #14

Giraffes have a great sense of sight and smell and are able to run at speeds up to 35 miles per hour.

Fact #15

However, a baby giraffe in the wild is vulnerable because it has a shorter gait and is unable to keep up with the herd if a predator is detected. In the days and weeks following a birth, a mother giraffe will sometimes leave her baby hidden in tall grass for a few hours while she eats and roams.

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Bumblebee facts you probably didn’t know before

Spend your time and enjoy our amazing fact of life avout Bumblebee facts you probably didn’t know before

Kết quả hình ảnh cho Bumblebee facts


Its queens are described as looking like flying mice.


Tiny, tiny sausages.


That’s a similar RPM to some motorcycle engines.


Bumblebees have extremely fast metabolisms, so they have to eat almost continuously. “A bumblebee with a full stomach is only ever about 40 minutes from starvation,” as Goulson puts it.


They have a maximum of 300 to 400 worker bees, compared to the tens of thousands found in a honeybee or wasp nest. For context, there are around 25,000 known species of bee, though there are likely more that have yet to be discovered.


Kết quả hình ảnh cho Bumblebee facts

Only the fat queen bee survives winter hibernation, and she’s left to create a colony by herself. Sperm stored up from mating the previous summer survives in her ovaries, ready to fertilize her eggs once she finally finds a nesting place. By the end of the summer, when she’s a little over a year old, the queen and all her worker bees die, to be replaced by her daughters.


Male bumblebees have only one chromosome, and no father. To produce a son, a queen bee merely has to lay an unfertilized egg. To have daughters—who make up the entirety of a bee workforce—a queen bee fertilizes her eggs with sperm she’s been storing since the previous summer.

Enjoy the best collection of science facts on our site to widen your knowledge.


Because bee sisters receive exactly the same genes from their fathers, but only share around 50 percent of genes from their mother’s side, a female bumblebee is 75 percent related to her sisters. But she’s only 50 percent related to her children, who get half their genes from their father and half from her. That’s why it makes sense for the majority of bees in the nest to help raise the queen’s offspring, rather than running off to start their own nests. The worker bee’s sisters carry more of her genes than her children would, so she leaves that whole childbirth thing to her mother.


That’s just a thing in honeybees. So yes, a bumblebee can sting you twice. However, male bumblebees don’t have a stinger at all, and female bumblebees aren’t very aggressive, so unless you go barging into their nest, you’re likely safe.


Frederick William Lambart Sladen was the first scientist to devote his research completely to bumblebees. He published his first book about the bee at the age of 16, in 1892, solidifying himself as the world expert. And he still kind of is. “Species that are today rare or extinct in Britain, such as the short-haired bumblebee, were familiar to Sladen, and his descriptions of the nests of such species remain pretty much all that we know,” Goulson writes. “No one has come close to matching Sladen’s knowledge of the nesting habits of bumblebees.”


It’s called a pooter. Hehe. Pooter. In all seriousness, it allows scientists to pick bees up to study them without harming them. Researchers can suck small insects into a jar by inhaling through one end of a tube. Mesh on the mouthpiece prevents the insect from being sucked directly into the scientist’s mouth.


Bees don’t really have toes, but scientists snip the final tarsal segment off wild bees to run genetic tests on back in the lab. It doesn’t shorten their lifespan or reduce their ability to gather food, so presumably it’s not as cruel as it sounds.


Bees, like all insects, are covered in an oily film that makes them waterproof. When they land on a flower, they leave their chemical signature behind. Other bees can smell these oily footprints left on flowers, and know not to land on the same place—the nectar’s already been pillaged. Bees also use these footprints as a sort of smelly “Welcome Home” mat; the scent helps them find their way back to the entrance of their nest.


If the nest gets too hot, worker bees post themselves near the entrance and fan the hot air out, like tiny flapping A/C units. The hotter it is, the more workers join in the effort in order to keep the nest at exactly 86 degrees Fahrenheit, their preferred temperature. If their body temperature rises above 111 degrees, the bumblebees will die.


In a study of bees in Scotland, Goulson found that areas atop hills attract an unusual amount of male bees compared to flat areas or midway up a hill. While he speculates that this may be an effort to attract mates—some other male insects gather at higher altitudes to wait for a lucky lady to come along—scientists have not observed this pick-up technique succeeding. However, bumblebees produce more eligible bachelors than they do bachelorettes. There are about seven males for every queen born, so most males never mate.

If you’re looking for the most interesting tiger facts for kids , you’re at the right place. Let’s check out now.

Short jokes that will crack you up

I love good jokes, everyone does. How do we know good jokes? People say it over and over again, we share it among our friends, good jokes make you laugh out loud, most times uncontrollably. That is exactly the kind of jokes that we have for you with funny pictures. Dirty, clean and short jokes that will crack you up. Some might sound stupid and lame but within, you find the humour that you need. Lets roll joke of the day

Image result for short jokes

  1. There were two peanuts walking down a dark alley, one was assaulted.
  2. What do you call a sleepwalking nun… A roamin’ Catholic.
  3. How do you make holy water? You boil the hell out of it.
  4. What did the 0 say to the 8? Nice belt!
  5. Why did the orange stop? Because, it ran outta juice.
  6. What’s brown and sounds like a bell? Dung!
  7. Knock knock. Who’s there? Interrupting Cow. Interrupting Cow wh- MOOOOOOO!
  8. Why did the storm trooper buy an iphone? He couldn’t find the Droid he was looking for.
  9. Knock knock..who’s there? I eat mop. I eat mop who? Ooooo gross! (now do you get the earlier one?)
  10. Why is six afraid of seven? Because seven ate nine.
  11. How many Alzheimer’s patients does it take to change a light bulb?.. To get to the other side!
  12. What do you call a masturbating cow? Beef stroganoff.
  13. What do you have when you have two little green balls in the palm of your hand?? Answer: Kermit’s undivided attention!
  14. What did one snowman say to the other? Nice balls.
  15. How do you make a tissue dance? You put a little boogie in it.
  16. Why did the policeman smell bad? He was on duty.
  17. Why does Snoop Dogg carry an umbrella? FOR DRIZZLE!
  18. Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl in the bathroom? Because it has a silent pee.
  19. What did the Zen Buddist say to the hotdog vendor? Make me one with everything.
  20. What kind of bees make milk instead of honey? Boobies.

Keep following factoflife to see other jokes

Could giraffes sit down?

This writing is so amazing about Giraffes. I just wanna all of you can enjoy it. Keep seeing to enjoy!

Also see sophie giraffe

Giraffes can sit down, but they rarely do. Due to their peculiar shape and structure, giraffes are not commonly found sitting, as it would create an imbalance in their bodies due to their long, heavy necks.

Image result for Can giraffes sit down?

Another reason giraffes do not sit is that this position makes it very difficult for them to get back up again, which makes them extremely vulnerable to predators. Giraffes can lie down by folding their legs so that they rest under their bodies. The giraffe keeps its neck straight in the air while doing this and may even continue to graze from the treetops.

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Crabs’ food

Crabs usually eat algae. Crabs are omnivorous, meaning that they will eat both plants and other animals for sustenance.

Various species of crab have slightly different diets. They have a very strong digestive system that permits them to eat fungi, mollusks, bacteria, worms and even other crustaceans, such as shrimp or barnacles. In times of desperation, they have been known to eat the offal from the sea floor, which can include dead and decaying animals.

Like most omnivores, crabs require a balanced diet to maintain the highest degree of health and reach their maximum growth potential. Their systems need both the protein found in meat as well as the vitamins present in undersea vegetables to sustain quality digestion.

Crab facts for kids

Why do crabs walk sideways?

Well, the simple answer is because it’s the way their knees bend. So, if you think about our knees, they bend forwards and that allows us to take step forwards whereas crabs, their legs are on the side and their knees bend outwards, so they can only move sideways. The more interesting answer is taking into account, of course, evolution. We’ve evolved to walk forwards. Most nature animals walk forwards because you can see where you’re going better. But for crabs, there must be a reason why it’s okay for them to walk sideways.

They spend a lot of their life buried under the sand and they’ve developed these kind of long, flat bodies that make it very easy for them to sort of squiggle under the sand and hide there. Having their legs on the side kind of fits in with that elongated shape. They also don’t really need to walk that fast – they’re scavengers. They don’t chase prey very much. So actually, they don’t need to be great runners and being able to hide has been more useful for them.

Crab funny pictures

Amazing Wolf Facts for Kids

A list of the top thirty most interesting facts about the largest members of the dog family,wolves. If you love these animals, you love this!

  1. Wolves were once the most widely distributed land predator the world has ever seen. The only places they didn’t thrive were in the true desert and rainforests.
  2. Among true wolves, two species are recognized: Canis lupus (often known simply as “gray wolves”), which includes 38 subspecies, such as the gray, timber, artic, tundra, lobos, and buffalo wolves. The other recognized species is the red wolf (Canis rufus), which are smaller and have longer legs and shorter fur than their relatives. Many scientists debate whetherCanis rufus is a separate species.
  3. Immense power is concentrated in a wolf’s jaw. It has a crushing pressure of nearly 1,500 pound per square inch (compared with around 750 for a large dog). The jaws themselves are massive, bearing 42 teeth specialized for stabbing, shearing, and crunching bones. Their jaws also open farther than those of a dog.
  4. Wolves are excellent hunters and have been found to be living in more places in the world than any other mammal except humans.
  5. The wolf is the ancestor of all breeds of domestic dog. It is part of a group of animals called the wild dogs which also includes the dingo and the coyote.
  6. When the pack kills an animal, the alpha pair always eats first. As food supply is often irregular for wolves, they will eat up to 1/5th of their own body weight at a time to make up for days of missed food.
  7. Wolves have two layers of fur, an undercoat and a top coat, which allow them to survive in temperatures as low at minus 40 degrees Celsius! In warmer weather they flatten their fur to keep cool.
  8. A wolf can run at a speed of 65 kilometres per hour during a chase. Wolves have long legs and spend most of their time trotting at a speed of 12-16 kilometres per hour. They can keep up a reasonable pace for hours and have been known to cover distances of 90 kilometres in one night.

Top 10 fascinating moon facts


If you thought you knew all there is to know about the moon, think again. Here are 10 cool facts about Earth’s lunar neighbor.

  1. The USA’s NASA Apollo 11 mission in 1969 was the first manned Moon landing.
    The first person to set foot on the Moon was Neil Armstrong.
    The far side of the Moon looks quite different due to its lack of maria (ancient pools of solidified lava).
    The Moon is the Earth’s only natural satellite. A natural satellite is a space body that orbits a planet, a planet like object or an asteroid.
  2. It is the fifth largest moon in the Solar System. Learn more about the other moons in the Solar System.
  3. The average distance from the Moon to the Earth is 384403 kilometres (238857 miles).
  4. The Moon orbits the Earth every 27.3 days.
  5. Mons Huygens is the tallest mountain on the Moon, it is 4700 metres tall, just over half the height of Mt Everest (8848m).
  6. The Moon rotates on its axis in around the same length of time it takes to orbit the Earth. This means that from Earth we only ever see around 60% of its surface (50% at any one time).
  7. The side that we can see from Earth is called the near side while the other side is called the far side (it is sometimes called the dark side despite the fact that it illuminated by the Sun just as much as the near side).
  8. When Neil Armstrong took that first historical step and said “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” it would not have occurred to anyone that the step he took in the dust of the moon was there to stay. It will be there for millions of years because there is no wind on the moon. That is, assuming the downdraft from the Command Module upon takeoff back into space didn’t destroy the print. Buzz Aldrin reportedly saw the American flag, much further away, blow over during launch. Nevertheless, any footprints made by the famous astronauts undisturbed by takeoff are, in fact, there to stay.
  9. When Alan Sheppard was on the moon, he hit a golf ball and drove it 2,400 feet, nearly one half a mile.
    In a survey conducted in 1988, 13% of those surveyed believed that the moon is made of cheese.
  10. Mons Huygens is the tallest mountain on the Moon, it is 4700 metres tall, just over half the height of Mt Everest (8848m).